A Family Complete

‘A Family Complete’ is the first story in a series. It focuses on Aruba, a shy, young girl who works as a maid in the city of Karachi. Her dream is to become a fashion designer and give her mum the life she never had when she was younger.

She was only two years old when her mum got a job as a maid for a wealthy family, and she has been a part of their family her whole life. She shares a very special bond with her mum, who herself had faced many obstacles by raising Aruba alone without a father, and would do anything to protect her daughter from danger.

Some members of the family dislike Aruba because of her beauty. Regardless of all the insults she has to bear, Aruba always has a smile on her face, just like her mother. Haroon, the eldest son of the household who lives in Dubai, falls in love with her beauty and kindness. His family is not happy about the relationship because of her status, but this does not stop him from marrying her.

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